Thursday, March 17, 2011

 Another first.
 So I'm driving down the road. I have left Tribly and headed to Newberry, Fl. I am going to couchsurf with Liz and stay in my trailer in her yard. There are lots of natural springs around the area to check out and it is time to start meandering north to go west. I had many signs that it was time. While bike riding a hawk, my totem, was flying with me due north. On another bike ride, a juvenile hawk sat on a mile marker. Both saying, time to go Christopher. Being in nature recharges me. Or balances me. Both. So, I'm driving down the road and I 'm not sure if I am thinking about my sister or her energy comes to me. I was listening to NPR about the tsunami. I was overwrought with the thought of people loosing their families given the recent realization that my sister lost her entire family in one day. I started having heartburn. I never get heartburn. Sis just asked me that when I was visiting her. It got pretty intense. Then I had major anxiety. I was overcome with it. Right in the center of my chest. I was still driving but had to call my sister. Was she ok? Did her sugar go low and she's laying on the floor unable to answer my call? I knew it was intuition but I was so scared. The feeling was incredibly intense. She answered. Thank God. I immediately asked if she were ok, she laughed and said yes. She stated that she was having major difficulties with a work project from a vendors inept program. I was driving so I knew that she was ok and hung up. The anxiety persisted though. I almost couldn't breath! I wasn't scared for me, but pretty out of sorts trying to make my mind comprehend that I was picking up on my sister's energy. That has never happened. Well, not that strong. I called her again when I had a chance to pull over and slightly calm down. Just before that I was looking at the trees or anything and saying, 'oh how pretty, look at that.' Hoping that I could bounce back some calming energy. I asked more details and again confirmed she was upset with work. I told her that she can't do that to me ever again and changed the subject to calm us both down. I don't know who is more in shock, her for knowing that I picked up that energy or myself for it being so strong that I could barely drive. Now I know that when I have that feeling again, it is someone terribly upset and nothing worse.

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