Monday, November 1, 2010

I love laying in bed before completely waking up.
That period of cozy, warmth. The mind with it's thoughts.
It is as close to meditating that I have gotten lately.
I find that my thinking, or whatever my mind is doing, is clear, insightful.
Maybe a better way to state that is that my thoughts seem precise
and without fear. I believe that I can see things clearly. Problems or issues
are figured out in a place of peace and safety. I love that time of day
and the clarity that comes with it.

I  had a realization that I have been allowing the events of my life control me. I KNOW better than this, but somehow I got caught up in it. There is so much to do with moving out of the homestead and preparing for a life on wheels, which I know virtually nothing about. I am a type of person who doesn't enjoy being unprepared, yet have hungered over a lifestyle that is completely unplanned, traveling with the wind of fate to fulfill adventure where it blooms. Which one am I? Controlling, precise, planned or carefree, faithful in the knowledge that who and what I am to experience will expose themselves to me.
I know and believe that I am a co-creator in this life experience. That the Universe and I are a team. We work together creating by my thoughts and that I also must experience events that are preplanned for me.
Somehow I lost sight of reality, what is important. So I slowed down today. I stopped and chatted with Kate who had taken care of mom while she was in Hospice. I returned some tools that I borrowed to remove the hot water drain and hoped for a visit with Timothy but he wasn't home. While driving to have some
work done on the red truck, I noticed 2 hawks together high up in a tree. A mile or so down the road I spotted another one.
Hawks seem to be a totem animal for me. I see them often, but not lately.
The point is to control how I deal with life events and situations and not let them control me. To remember that if I am so busy doing, that I won't see the miracles around me nor the communication with Spirit. 

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