Tuesday, November 16, 2010

All a dream

 Today is the first time that I actually feel that I can see the end in sight. The majority of the packing, sorting, storing is complete, leaving entire rooms empty. 2 weeks from today I will be sitting at closing, probably thinking this is all a dream. 6 years caring for a parent. 6 years. I put my life on hold, not all by choice. Daily watching the color of my life fade away while reminders of lost dreams play like a soft tune in the background. But then, without this experience,  would I be living in a travel trailer traveling the country. My lifelong dream.

1 comment:

  1. I just got caught up on the adventure thus far.....this will be fun to watch from the sidelines. You are living the dream already! Remember....whatever your experiences....they will all serve the DREAM.
