Tuesday, May 3, 2011

lack of internet

 No internet in Madrid so i am pulled over in Santa Fe in an Albertson's parking lot while horses in a trailer let me know this place is unique. The beauty is all around, with more sky than earth, giving everything a new meaning. I woke to temps probably in the 20's, I don't know the exact temp nor want to. I just know my water didn't freeze. When its that cold I usually wake up around 6am, as I have the past 2 days, as that is when it is the coldest. Today turned out to be incredibly gorgeous and warm. It seems that no matter where I go I can see mountains with snow on them. I spent today in Bandelier National Monument. The drive alone was a sight to behold. Switchback roads dipping high and low with terrain I have only seen in pictures. Amazing. I did take pics but I doubt that they can capture the awe and beauty. Yesterday was Georgia O'Keeffe's museum and while her art is truly amazing and moving, she, like so many others here, knew that as soon as they saw the landscape, that they belonged here. I wish I could say that but I long for green rolling hills of the northeast. Pennsylvania is so incredibly beautiful that I can wait to return some day to gaze at her soft rolling hills and hear the sounds of Pine Creek while I toss a fishing line in with hopes of catching only the beauty in the hills. I am anxious to get to Colorado as I believe it to be like home with more majestic mountains and rushing waters yet I have Arizona and Utah yet to visit first. Maybe in those places I will find where I belong. If not, there always the northeast.

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