Thursday, February 17, 2011

Pursue your desires

 I was going to write about my evening with Monette and her psychic friend Brenda. That was the intent upon driving to Starbucks, to sit in air conditioning and reflect upon the evening. I think that in the world of spiritualism, things can change pretty quickly if you are open. I was listening to a story on the radio about a person’s life, which was transformed through his interaction with a horse. He was a prisoner, a young man apparently, who had never felt love until this horse gave it to him, and the people who worked there. I was so overcome with emotion. I practically cried. I think the tears welled in my eyes. Imagine: the light bulb coming on at that point in your life, and being in prison, that an animal changed a persons life, that an animal taught a person what love is. I am becoming slightly emotional just recalling it. I am learning that in order to become a better psychic, I need to pay closer attention to my emotions, and to the many other subtle nuances that I may not have noticed.

 More than anything, I want to be that person who makes a difference in people’s lives. I am learning that my inner most desires seem to correlate to who I am intended to be. Maybe you folks already know this, but it’s new to me. There appears to be a direct connection to feeling a strong emotion or desire and the seed of that feeling or desire already being planted inside of me. Destiny. I am destine to help people. Just like I was destine to become a psychic. I have always wanted to help people. It only makes sense that somehow I will do this. Ok, so I am feeling pretty stupid. I mean, doesn’t this just seem logical? Pursue your desires? When something moves your soul, is so moving that it makes you cry, stop in your tracks, a strong desires, Pursue it!!

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