Wednesday, February 2, 2011

 There are so many churches in this area that I am drawn too; Unity, Science of Mind, which now goes by another mantra, and Spiritualism. There are also psychics, mediums, healers, tarot readers, aura readers, animal psychics and the list goes on and on. Unity is more of a loosely based Christian religion while Science of Mind can simply be stated in terms of thought creates. Spiritualism does not believe in death, rather that the soul lives on, and that communication with the so called dead is possible. I resonate with Science of Mind and Spiritualism. Tonight I learned that there is a difference between a person who calls themselves a Psychic and a Medium. A psychic can read the energy and or thoughts of another person. A medium uses a spirit guide to be given information about another person. I am psychic. I have always been psychic. I knew when I was a child that I was different, for so many reasons. I could and still can look at most people and read them. By ‘read’ I mean that most people wear who they are like a story for me to read. It is so obvious to me that I have always wondered why others can’t see what is black and white to me. There aren’t literal words on these people, rather their eyes, hairstyle, clothes, body shape and size and many other physical characteristics all combine to create a visual story. Mostly I believe that I can see into people’s deepest part of their soul. I can see things about them that they don’t even know about themselves. I always think that if I could tell them what I see, their lives would improve, should they be able to face their demons.

 Because I was exposed to a challenging childhood and knowing that I was different on many levels, I have a tendency to believe that these experiences contributed to enhance my ability. It has always been there, although for most of my life I have wondered if I am psychic or just terribly judgmental. Lately, the past 2 months, it seems to have become front and center that this ‘gift’ is requesting more of my attention. So many events have happened that are just beyond cool, or luck,
or fate. Meeting a stranger who shares my ability then becoming friends while living a vagabond lifestyle who exposes me to new experiences, being exposed to virtually everything that I don’t want in life, recognizing it and making a conscious choice to leave it, and being able to relocate to an area that is safe, practically the epitome of a natural zoo like setting which feeds my soul I can’t begin to tell you, and now accepting the fact that I am to pursue this endeavor, whatever that means. I am being gently yet assuredly guided into this adventure of the unknown world of mysticism.

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