Sunday, April 17, 2011

Eydie and Mike

 Be careful what you pray for, you may just get it.
I had such a wonderful experience with numerous warm and friendliy people in Austin that I prayed to meet more amazing people as it enhances my journey substantially. Some prayers are answered quickly as is the case with Eydie and Mike. My sisters friend Holly posted on my facebook page about her friends living in Carlsbad. I asked if I could perhaps meet them, if only to get information on the area. After 3 days I am still parked in their yard.

  It isn't often, in my experience, that I meet people who completely open themselves and their home to a stranger. We shared delicious home cooked meals, conversation on varied topics some considered taboo, (ie, sharing our true opinions) and outing to their favorite park, and many other experiences. I was quickly treated as one of the family or an old old friend. When is the last time any of you have done this? Image what experiences you could have, image what you could learn about yourself by doing this.

The energy we create by this exchange is substantial. That bond that we as humans crave is fulfilled instantly, lifting our hearts and minds and energy to a seldom experiences plateau. It is a snow ball or an addiction: once the taste of pure love is felt, more is needed. And once it is created and released, it goes out into the universe, picks up more of like energy, and (the really cool part) comes back to you and knocks you off your feet! ( whatever you send out comes back so be very careful about what you give because the same is true with any energy, negative or positive . Any.)  I want more! I want to give and receive the kinds of exchanges that I experienced for the past few days. I want that bond with people, I want that connection, I want that instant fulfillment that IS possible between strangers.

 Thank you Universe, thank you. My gratitude for knowing the laws of the Universe and applying them fulfills me.

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