Monday, December 13, 2010

New Attitude

Well, after giving my blog comments much thought, I have changed my attitude. Although, there is nothing that I can do about the weather. Driving the Fun Finder today was completely different. Not that we didn't sway from side to side when the wind blew or feel like we were being pushed off the road every time a semi passed us. And I mean every time. I focused on what I accomplished. I drove a total of 1100 miles with little incident. I managed to successfully drive through 3 metropolitan areas in one day with no trouble. Focusing on the positive accomplishments has given me attitude. And we all need a good one. Today the unknown is my friend, my co-pilot.At a rest stop, I talked to Patricia who lives in her 36 foot A class. We talked for 2 hours without pause for my travel plans. That IS what this is about. Being open to whatever comes my way. We shared the same attitudes about food, people, this lifestyle, and many other things. Funny how striking up a conversation with a complete stranger in a highway rest stop can lead to really cool conversations. The weather is still dogging me. I am now in Brunswick, GA and it is to get down to the teens tonight. My heater doesn't run without electric so I am using the stove as heat. I have yet to sleep in the upper bed but with all the heat staying close to the ceiling, I am writing this from my oh so cozy perch. Dang I'm loving this lifestyle. There are several of us parked here. I talked to an old timer who is living in a step van. He told me apparently someone left a note on my truck. Funny as I know no one here. Finally, feeling blue about my family is something that is going to be expected on the anniversary of their deaths. I deem it ok to be melancholy- as long as I don't bring someone else down.

1 comment:

  1. Wishing you peace this Christmas, Christopher. I understand your melancholy and even sadness on the anniversary of losing your Mom and brother....I encourage you to give yourself room for all the emotions that show up since they are all part of your quest.

    I look forward to reading your updates!

    Merry Christmas!

    Love and Joy,
